List of blog content

This page has been set up to provide a list of the topics covered by the blogs on this site.

Blog posts covering bad bugs (and good)

Foodborne hepatitis E infection – The forgotten hepatitis E infection

Campylobacter – the bad bug on chicken – Food poisoning caused by Campylobacter common on chicken

The dark force in gaining weight – A blog about the importance of your gut flora

Deadly bug in sprouts – Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC), serotype O104:H4

Blog posts covering potentially dangerous foods (and some foods that can also be good for you)

Skip the third cup of coffee – or not – Coffee contributing to dangerous furan exposure

Madness in blaming acidogenic food – Covering a claim that acidogenic foods cause diabetes

The low fat and no cholesterol diet myths – Debunking the myth that fat consumption cause high cholesterol levels

Danger in soft drink consumption – Listing bad effects of extensive soft drink consumption

Beautiful onion tears – Chemicals in onions causing crying

The liquorice flavoured fennel – Fennel consumption is mainly beneficial with some caveats

Devilish liquorice – Too much glycyrrhizic acid from liquorice consumption can make you ill

Surrounded by poisons – Potent toxins in the perennial herb Devil’s Trumpet

Supermarket temptations – Prominent snack food displays contributing to obesity

Most dangerous – mushroom poison or snake venom? – Death cap considered to be the most poisonous mushroom in the world

Believe it or not – a healthy snag! –  A new method of adding omega-3 fatty acids to sausages

Controversial GM food – Environmental concern for gene transfer between conventional and GM crops

Fat little child – Junk food consumption by pregnant females can create fat prone off-spring

Stopped eating red meat? – Misguided advice since carnitine in red meat might actually be good for you

What’s that smell? – Smelly foods that are not necessarily harmful but difficult to eat

Sleep-depriving foods – Sleep depriving foods and their influence on appetite regulating hormones

Opium for free with food – Opium alkaloids from poppy seed consumption

Rucola – good, bad or ugly? – The balance of nitrate and vitamins in vegetables

Here we go again – Questionable results when testing toxicity of GM maize and glyphosate

Are trans fats old hat? – The drop in trans fat levels in food

Deadly bug in sprouts – Raw sprouts a source of dangerous bugs

Debated additives

Aspartame deemed safe after a mammoth effort – Safety of aspartame assured by EFSA at current use levels

The food flavouring beef thiophene in doubt – Potential risks in adding beef thiophene to food

Aspartame (almost) cleared – The draft opinion on aspartame used for public consultation

Ink with your food – Migration of printing ink from packaging to the food

Aspartame controversy – Controversies around aspartame that will not disappear

Nasty chemicals

Go easy on the toast – High acrylamide levels in dark brown toast

Beware of trans fats – Trans fats can still be a threat to health

Uproar in margarine industry – Margarine industry reacts to findings of 3-MCPD in their products

Finger on the pulse – new 3-MCPD results – 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol or 3-MCPD found in margarine and other foods

Bisphenol A – half of the story – Exposure to the plastic component bisphenol A from food and the environment

To bee or … no bees – Bee deaths caused by neonicotinoid pesticides

Heavy metals and food choice – Limited food variety can lead to high intake of heavy metals in children

Big issue – hormone disrupting chemicals – A range of chemicals found in food disrupt hormone balance

The hard working bee – Toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids can be found in some honey

Beware of marine biotoxins – A range of marine biotoxins can accumulate to high levels in bivalve molluscs

Judgement day for bisphenol A – Questions if the low-dose theory should be applied for hormone disrupting bisphenol A

The “epi” thingy – new genetics – An introduction to epigenetics and how chemicals can influence genome expression

Mercury in fish a concern – Accumulation of toxic mercury in predatory fish

Lead in the spotlight – Exposure to lead is a particular problem for infants and young children

Acrylamide – nothing seems to help – Acrylamide is a carcinogen that can be present in heated foods

Up in flames – Toxic brominated flame retardants finding their way into food and the environment

Di…di…dioxins – Dangerous dioxins can bio-accumulate along the food chain

Arsenic – not a dead issue – Chronic toxic effects from natural arsenic levels in food and water

All “oils” ain’t “oils” – Many thousands of compounds present in mineral oils used in food production and some might be toxic

The safety of bisphenol A – Bisphenol A exposure can influence brain development and modify normal behaviour

BPA-induced juvenile anxiety – Prenatal bisphenol A exposure might cause elevated hyperactivity and anxiety in young girls

Official views on bisphenol A – Warnings of possible low dose effects of bisphenol A at levels of current human exposure

The maligned bisphenol A – Large diversity of opinion on potential health effects of bisphenol A exposure

The bane of lead – Lead accumulated in bone mobilised during pregnancy and breast feeding disturb normal brain development of the foetus and young child

Spurious health claims (or not)

Do you trust herbal supplements? – Nothing inherently wrong in trusting herbal remedies but often you don’t get what you ask for

The magical kale – Kale is a healthy super vegetable that should be part of every diet

Surprise – silicon necessary for bone health – Silicon is not just for building computers but also necessary in the diet to form healthy bones

Slimming during your sleep – Melatonin formed during sleep involved in energy metabolism and body weight control

Whisky – is it really “livets vatten”? – Whisky contains more cancer destroying ellagic acid than other types of alcohol

The humble tomato – Tomatoes produce lycopene, carotene, anthocyanin, and several other beneficial antioxidants

Foods boosting the immune system – Some foods, vitamins and minerals might help improving the immune system

Not all doom and gloom – The health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

Italy’s gift to the world – broccoli – Health promoting compounds found in broccoli

Beer drinking benefits – yes benefits! – Beer in moderation healthier than soft drinks or sugary fruit cocktails

The real kick – coffee-leaf tea! – Coffee-leaf tea has more antioxidants than regular tea

Quinoa – the new fad – Quinoa the new food for health conscious consumers

A good red wine – can it be good for you! – Resveratrol found in red wine may possess a range of health benefits

Better brainwaves on the loo – Caffeine although a diuretic is also a psychoactive stimulant improving alertness

Healthy water? – Plain water and water through food is all that is needed, not new fancy waters

Green tea and memory – Green tea might be good for you but it is difficult to prove

4 thoughts on “List of blog content

  1. Hello Stefan,
    You mentioned in your blog iron. I have a question. Milk, coffee, tea, pholic acid and plyphenols could hinder iron uptake according to some other sites. If someone with serious iron deficiency (ca 96 hg.) that appears every year would like to maximize the iron intake without supplements, what should one then combine with e.g.meat, ideally? Also, how long should one wait between e.g. drinking coffee and eating meat?

    • Dear Pia,

      Good to hear from you and to see that you are interested in my blog. I have been silent for a while since I have been working on a book but will soon be back. To your question I have to say that it is a bit tricky. Of course there can be iron deficiency and it can be serious. However, there can also be too much iron that can support bacterial growth and cause a range of infections. Iron supplements should thus only be taken after confirmation of iron deficiency. Meat, seafood and offal are all good sources of iron but as you mention some other foods can inhibit iron absorption. Legumes and leafy green vegetables are all good complements to the haeme iron foods. Coffee can reduce iron absorption by almost 40% (tea is worse with 60% reduction). If you drink your coffee one hour before the meal you are fine but one hour after is still a problem according to published results ( If you leave it for two hours you would be fine but that might be too late to finish a meal with coffee.

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